The whole idea behind creating this page is to share all actionable blogging tips and tricks for beginners that are working well for me for the past 16 years. Blogging gave me so much. I’ve been blogging since 2005. I quit my full-time job to become a full-time blogger in 2018. Now… the blog you’re currently reading makes over $13,000 every SINGLE month. You can read my blog’s income reports to find more details. I’m also one of the top affiliates for the Semrush affiliate program and most of my blogging income comes from passive income sources like affiliate marketing.  If you’re curious, I made more than $421,000 from the Semrush affiliate program. Here’s the interesting part: when I started BloggersPassion in 2010, only 3000 people visited the blog in the whole year. Fast forward to 2021, the blog generated over 1.7 million views. In this post, you’ll exactly discover how. I also shared my blogging journey on how I went from zero to earning $10,000+ per month, so if you want to learn more, please go check it out. That said, starting a blog has SO MANY benefits including;

It helps you make money online It improves your skills such as writing, design, SEO, networking, etc It helps you quit your job (or become your own boss) And the list goes on

If you’re looking for a HUGE list of HIGHLY practical blog tips and tricks in 2023, make sure to bookmark this page.  Here’s what you’re going to discover on this page;

Practical tips and tricks for every level (beginner, intermediate and advanced bloggers) Every blogging tip includes an actionable task (so you can implement that tip right away)

So what are you waiting for? Let’s jump into the details to find out the PROVEN blogging tips that work for everyone.

Top 25 Blogging Tips and Tricks for All Kinds of Bloggers from My 16 Years of Blogging Experience!

Top 10 Blogging Tips for Beginners

If you’re just getting started as a blogger or recently launched a new blog and looking for some of the best blogging hacks, you should definitely check out the following section.

1. Leave thoughtful comments on other sites

Blog commenting is the surefire way to get more traffic, build relationships with other bloggers, increase your online visibility, build your personal brand, and so on. By commenting on other blogs, you’ll not only attract more comments on your own blog posts but you can also connect with other blog owners where you can write guest posts later. The key here is to leave thoughtful and really detailed comments after reading the whole content. Don’t write single lines like “thanks for the post” as such kinds of comments will be mostly marked as spam or thrown into the trash folder. Here’s an example of what a genuine and detailed comment looks like; As you can see, the above comment of mine is easily around 100 words. But that type of long comment is what gets the attention of the blog owners and other bloggers. They will definitely respond to such lengthy comments and mostly will check out your blogs to see what type of content you cover. Next time when you’re leaving comments on other blogs, do remember to write highly useful and detailed comments. Actionable blogging tip for you: Make a list of 10 to 15 sites to leave blog comments. You can also use these high DA blog commenting sites to create your list. Don’t write 10 mediocre comments. Instead, leave just one comment per day that’s REALLY detailed and helpful. Read: Top 7 SEO Content Writing Techniques to Rank High In Google Search

2. Do roundup posts and interviews

There are certain content types that work really well, especially for new bloggers. Two such types of content are;

Roundup posts and Interviews

You don’t have to do the above content types only with experts or influencers in your niche (although it will be great if you can do that) as you can also create massive roundups. Or interviews with bloggers who have a decent reputation online. The key here is to ask really great questions and make sure to promote these kinds of blog posts across social media sites as they really perform well. You can also ask the bloggers who’re featured on your roundups or interviews to share your stuff once your content goes live. That way, you can attract more buzz in terms of social shares, traffic, links, comments and so on. Actionable blogging tip for you: Come up with the RIGHT topic for roundup posts. As a beginner blogger, your task is to come up with a topic or question that the other experts can relate to.  Here’s an example of what an expert roundup post looks like; Make sure to find trending or popular topics (questions) in your industry to create roundups. The same thing goes with interviews as well. Make a list of 10 to 12 questions that are REALLY interesting. Then, you can send those questions to the blogging experts who’re ready to do an interview with you. Ask them to share your content once it goes live. Make sure to promote your roundup posts and interviews as much as you can. If possible, try to use Facebook ads to promote such posts as they often go viral online.

3. Start building “content assets”

Don’t create just another mediocre blog post. They are not going to work. If you’re building a blog from scratch and looking to make it profitable, try to create “content assets”. Content assets are also known as “pillar contents” which act as pillars for your blog and are mostly timeless contents and are highly informative. If you want to create high-quality content in less time, you can try Jasper AI today. It is a fantastic tool to generate better content within minutes. Read our Jasper AI 2023 review to find out how it works along with a tutorial. You can also check out the Jasper pricing plans to see how much it costs. Few examples of content assets:

The ultimate guide to [topic] The A to Z guide [topic] 101 ways to [topic] And the list goes on

Here’s a real example of one of such content assets around best affiliate programs which compiles a list of over 100 affiliate programs that bloggers can use to earn money from affiliate marketing. It’s a gigantic 16000-word post (yes, you read it right). These kinds of pillar posts tend to generate more backlinks, social shares, and backlinks in the long run and they will be useful after a few years (you should make a few changes and update these posts every now and then though). Actionable blogging tip for you: The best way to come up with ideas for “content assets” is to use platforms like Quora. Just enter any topic on Quora and you’ll find a ton of interesting questions around it. Have a look; As you can see above, once you enter a topic on Quora, it will show a list of all the relevant questions around that keyword term. You can use those questions and consider them as topics for your content assets.

4. Network with other bloggers

One of the best ways to build a better blog is to network with other bloggers, marketers, and influencers in your niche. The best way to network with other bloggers is to comment on their blogs, link out to them, tweet their stuff regularly, email, and so on. Also find ways to connect with other bloggers using social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and so on. Frequently tag them by sharing their content so they will also reciprocate the same. Actionable blogging tip for you: Make a list of 25 to 50 bloggers in your niche (who are not influencers or A list bloggers) with whom you can frequently interact.  You can use Facebook groups (you can join our BloggersPassion VIP group) to easily find and connect with other bloggers. Most influencers are busy and don’t respond to beginner bloggers. That’s why it’s better to target micro-influencers or bloggers who have a decent following. Try to tweet, link, and share their blog posts regularly as it works like a charm in the long run.

5. Give, give, give and ask

One of the biggest mistakes most beginner bloggers make is this: they always ask for help. They spam other people’s inboxes for links, social shares, promotions and what not? If you’re also trying to do the same, you’re making a big mistake. No one likes promotional emails. Busy bloggers or influencers always look for ways to help others but they also receive a ton of spam emails along with promotional email pitches. Instead of asking someone to promote your blog or link to your content, it’s a better idea to first offer them help. Here’s what works well: give, give, give, give and then ask. That’s also what exactly the social media influencer Gary Vee suggests: give, give, give, then ask for the business! For instance, if you want to get more social shares, start sharing others’ stuff first. Want more links? Start linking out to other bloggers first. Do it often and they will reciprocate the same sooner or later. Actionable blogging tip for you: Go and tweet or share this article on social media. Tag me and I’ll do my best to respond to all the people who shared it.  You can do the same task whenever you come across a useful article on the Internet by tagging the blog authors. Do it consistently and you’ll be amazed by the response (and appreciation) you get!

6. Get a mentor

A great mentor helps their mentees to build massively popular blogs in really less time. You can build a better blog really quickly if you’ve access to the right mentor. Make sure to find a mentor in blogging who’s already making a decent income online. One of the best ways to find mentors is to search for sites that are publishing monthly or yearly income reports. The people who are already earning thousands of dollars from blogging know how to build money-making blogs. There are a ton of bloggers who might not be offering “mentoring” services but you can always find money-making bloggers who you can help (by offering them free services like content writing, optimizing their posts, creating images for their posts etc). In return, you can ask them to build a high-traffic blog. It’s a win/win approach that works like a charm in almost any industry. Actionable blogging tip for you: Bill Gates had a mentor. Gary Vee had a mentor. Almost every successful person in the world had access to at least one mentor.  If you want to speed up your blogging success, find someone who’s already making a living from blogging.  You can also find a list of top bloggers here. Go read their blogs. Find ways to help them first. Then, ask them if they’re interested in teaching you. If possible, find a blogger who’s offering 1:1 consulting services to help beginners. Invest in those services to speed up your blogging success.

7. Read more books

Read more books. Read at least one book a month. We suggest you read books on the following topics.

Psychology Business Marketing The art of selling etc

Actionable blogging tip for you: Here’s a list of five amazing books for bloggers that help you take your skills to the next level. Try to read all of them or at least listen to their audiobooks.

8. Start learning SEO

If I had to start from scratch, I’d give more importance to learning SEO. SEO (search engine optimization) is the key to building a high-traffic blog that generates both sales and traffic. You can’t survive in the blogging world by ignoring SEO. Whether you know it or not, Google now processes over 40,000 search queries every second on average which translates to over 3.5 billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide, according to Google search statistics. So start learning it as soon as possible as it takes time and consistent practice to be able to get a hold of it. Actionable blogging tip for you: SEO is mostly about creating helpful content, building links, and optimizing your content for specific keywords. If you do those three things right, you can get #1 rankings no matter what niche you are in. Make sure to read the whole guide written by the Moz team on beginner’s guide to SEO. It’s free, comprehensive, and extremely useful for those who’re new to SEO. Here are a few more essential FREE SEO resources you can read today to improve your SEO skills as a blogger.

Step By Step SEO Tutorial For Beginners (Including Our 10 Yrs Traffic Stats) Best On-Page SEO Techniques to Get Top Rankings on Google Best Off-Page SEO Techniques For Better Rankings on Google

9. Be consistent

“When you look at people who are successful, you will find that they aren’t the people who are motivated, but have consistency in their motivation.” – Arsene Wenger If you look at any successful blogger who’s making a ton of money, you’ll notice one thing: they are consistent. They have been blogging for years. That’s why they are able to build money-making blogs. Did you know why the majority of the people never make any money or drive more traffic to their blogs? It’s mostly because of one reason: they are not consistent. What’s the use of publishing blog posts once a day if you’re not going to be consistent after 3 months? You can’t build a better blog without being consistent. It’s as simple as that. Actionable blogging tip for you: Make sure to install a free plugin called the Editorial Calendar. You can use this plugin to schedule your posts or drafts in advance so you can be more consistent with your blog posting schedule. This plugin gives you an overview of your blog and when each post will be published. You can also easily drag and drop everything to change your posts (or drafts) in order to manage your blog. So make sure to create a consistent blog posting schedule, come up with dozens of blog post ideas and write posts in advance so you can schedule them later (when you don’t feel like writing).

10. Start building a tribe

One of the easiest ways to build a profitable blog is to build a community. You can start building a tribe from day 1. It can be anything from starting an email list to creating a Facebook group. If possible, focus on both things from day one. The key here is to regularly update your group with interesting updates, and tips and find ways to tag other people within your posts so it grows organically. Don’t use your Facebook group just to promote your own stuff as it won’t work. By building a tribe such as a Facebook group, you can diversify your traffic sources and you can also ask for social shares or comments for your most important blog posts. Actionable blogging tip for you: If you haven’t created any social media profiles for your blog yet, go create a Facebook page with your blog’s name.  Also, create a welcome post and share it everywhere including your Facebook profile, Twitter account, WhatsApp groups, or wherever you’re active. Ask other people to join and like your Facebook page and try to upload at least one helpful post every single day to build your tribe from scratch.

Top 10 Blogging Tips and Tricks for Seasoned Bloggers

If you’re blogging for some time and already bringing some traffic and sales to your sites, here are the top 10 tips that can be useful for seasoned bloggers like you.

1. Be transparent

The “Fake it until you make it” concept only works in very few fields. Definitely, it won’t work online especially if you’re trying to build a profitable blog. Being transparent and honest is the only way to succeed online. Just look at Pat Flynn’s income reports. He shares everything with transparency. Don’t fake it. Don’t show false promises or false reports (or screenshots) just to be cool. People will find it sooner or later. Actionable blogging tip for you: Create an about page and tell your story. Tell your audience why you got into blogging along with your story and experiences.  You can read our about page to get an idea about how to create a compelling about us page. You can also check out our post on how to write an about me page to find great examples where you can show your TRUE personality.

2. Spy on your competitors

Keeping an eye on your competitor websites can give you a ton of ideas to increase your search traffic, come up with great post ideas, increase your sales and conversions and so on. If you’re a seasoned blogger, you might already know who are your competitors and what topics they mostly cover on their sites. Once you have a list of your competitor sites, start using competitor research tools like Semrush or SpyFu to deeply explore their sites. As these tools give you a ton of useful information around;

What keywords they are using to generate more search traffic What blog posts are generating more backlinks What pages are bringing the most sales And so on

Competitor research gives you an idea about what’s working well and what’s not for your competitors so you can tweak your content strategy accordingly. Actionable blogging tip for you: If you want to succeed in blogging, you should do competitor analysis to spy on your competitor’s websites and build a solid marketing strategy. So go ahead and try any of the following competitor research tools TODAY to analyze your competitors in detail.

Semrush Ubersuggest Ahrefs

Make sure to find the following things while analyzing your competitor’s websites.

Their top-performing pages include keywords Their backlink sources Their paid ads (if any)

3. Don’t start too many blogs

Gone are the days when you can launch 100 blogs, create content, and make more money. It’s not going to work that way in 2023 and beyond. One of the biggest mistakes most seasoned bloggers make is: that they launch too many blogs once their primary blog starts generating money. It’s a big mistake. Unless and until your primary blog is making decent money on “autopilot” (that is, you should be able to make money without spending too much time), you shouldn’t think about starting another blog. Starting multiple blogs can hurt you in the long run. You need to focus on a lot of things like content creation, keyword research, backlinks, email list, monetization strategy, SEO, and so on and all these tasks consume a ton of time. Instead of launching multiple blogs, it’s a smart idea to focus on building ONE authority site as authority sites give you maximum results in the long run. Actionable blogging tip for you: If you already have started another blog, ignore it. Stop everything you’re planning to do and focus ONLY on your primary blog. So your task now is to define ONE MAJOR goal for your primary blog.  If it’s already making a decent income every month (let’s say $1000 per month), set bigger goals (such as $2000 to $3000 per month). Don’t focus on any other blog until you reach that goal. If your primary blog is getting decent traffic (let’s say 500 visitors a day), set a new goal of reaching 1000 visitors a day.  The key here is to focus on your existing primary blog and achieve bigger results instead of launching another blog.

4. Invest in the premium tools

If you’re a seasoned blogger, you might be already making some money from your blogs. This is the right time, you need to start investing money and more time to take your blog to the next level. For example, if you’re using cheaper or free hosting, you might want to migrate to a better, more secure, and faster hosting choice like WPX hosting. If you’re using a free theme for your site, you can consider getting a premium WordPress theme that is mobile responsive and SEO friendly. If you’re using free SEO tools, you can give try premium tools like Semrush, Ahrefs, etc as they can help you with almost any SEO-related task ranging from keyword research to competitor analysis to site audits. Actionable blogging tip for you: Blogging is also a business. You need to invest money if you want to make profits. So your task is to invest in any of the following blogging tools.

WPX Hosting (if you’re looking for faster websites) WP Rocket (to speed up your page loading times) Elementor Pro (to customize your site however you want) Semrush (to take your blog’s traffic and revenue to the next level) Rank Math (to optimize your posts for better rankings) ConvertKit (to build and grow your email list)

You can also check out these best free SEO tools recommended by experts if you want to increase your search traffic.

5. Track your keyword rankings

By now as a seasoned blogger, you might have faced the ugly Google animal updates like Panda, Penguin etc. One of the best ways to know and analyze your website’s traffic spikes is to track your keyword rankings. Are you already tracking your keyword positions on Google? If not yet, you should do that as soon as possible. Without tracking your keyword rankings, it’s difficult to increase your search traffic. Only by keyword tracking, you will be able to find out which keyword positions are going up and which are going down. Actionable blogging tip for you: You can use premium tools like the Semrush position tracking tool or a free tool like Google Keyword Rank tracker from Small SEO Tools to find your current keyword positions on Google. Here’s what it looks like on Small SEO Tools; As you can see above, we’re currently ranking #1 for the keyword “best Indian blogs” on Google. Make a list of all the top-ranking keywords of your website. Also, find out which keywords are ranking on pages 2 and 3. You can easily find such keywords using the Semrush tool. Once you have that list, you can start working on those keywords to improve their rankings by updating with new content, optimizing for more keywords, adding images, building links, etc.

6. Take your email list to the next level

Did you know that email list gives you an ROI of over $40 for every dollar you spend? According to Salesforce, email marketing has an average ROI of 3800% That’s a massive number, right? Not just that, 76% of marketers see active growth in their number of email subscribers, and 77% of ROI comes from segmented, targeted, and triggered email campaigns. So if you’re already blogging for a while but not building or growing your email list, this is the right time to start doing it as it generates great results in the long run. Actionable blogging tip for you: If you’re NOT building an email list already (or having a dead email list), start a new one today.  You can even go for free services like Mailchimp. Even better, you can sign up for the free plan from ConvertKit which allows you to build up to 1000 subscribers for free. Create a freebie such as an eBook or turn your popular posts into an eBook and offer it as an incentive to collect emails.

7. Learn how to sell like a pro

If you want to become a professional blogger or looking for ways to make thousands of dollars from blogging, you need one important skill which is the art of selling. You should learn how to sell without sounding like a sales guy. Just check out other experts like Neil Patel, Pat Flynn etc are selling and making money from their sites and you’ll learn a lot of things. You can also read books, listen to podcasts, and watch TED talks to learn how you can find the emotional triggers in your audience and sell anything to them like a pro. Actionable blogging tip for you: The best way to sell like a pro online is to first define your buyer persona. Here are some action elements for you that help you easily define your buyer persona.

Find out your target audience names and emails (the best way to do that is to use your email list or build a list if you don’t have one) Find out their age and location (you can run contests or quizzes to find that information) Find your target audience wants and needs (you can ask questions using your email list)  Analyze your competitors audience in the similar niche

8. Try special days to increase your affiliate sales

If you’re a blogger, there are high chances of selling affiliate products from your blog. Affiliate marketing is definitely one of the best ways to earn passive income from websites. There are a ton of best affiliate programs out there that give you hefty commissions. That said, there are special days and events where you can triple your affiliate sales. During special days like Black Friday, Cyber Monday etc the majority of the companies offer up to 90% discounts which you can use to increase your affiliate sales. So if you’re already not promoting this kind of deals, you should focus on promoting them as they really give you a lot of sales (as most of these deals are time-sensitive and provide a sense of urgency to the users). Actionable blogging tip for you: Every year, Black Friday week comes in the month of November. So make sure to create a plan for the Black Friday deals as soon as possible (if possible, this weekend!). Try to find out the top 3 to 5 affiliate products you want to promote during the Black Friday event this year and come up with post ideas around those products.  Create your posts in advance, do keyword research, write great content, optimize well and start building links.

9. Perform site audits often

There are so many seasoned bloggers struggling with one major thing: they post content regularly but they often struggle to get more traffic from search engines like Google. The major reason could be your site might have technical or SEO-related issues. Here’s where performing site audits help you a lot to discover what all the issues your site has. You can find and fix most of the things like broken links, sitemap, crawling issues, duplicate content, missing alt tags, lengthy meta description issues and so on. Here’s an excellent resource if you want to perform site audits using Semrush where you can discover all the things you need to improve your site’s SEO and attract more search traffic. Actionable blogging tip for you: Go grab a 30-day free trial of Semrush today to perform an in-depth audit of your website. Once you perform the site audit using Semrush, you’ll get a list of all the issues and errors your website has. Make sure to fix those errors and issues to improve your website’s overall SEO. If you’re curious, here’s what the site audit feature looks like; As you can see above, we currently have only one error and the overall site health is really great (which is 94 out of 100) for BloggersPassion.  Make sure to perform site audits regularly (at least once a month) to improve your site’s SEO.

10. Move to a faster web hosting service

Whether you know it or not, site speed is a ranking factor which means, your search rankings will depend on your site loading times and performance. Your web hosting plays a key role in your website speed. The faster your web host, the quicker your site loads. It’s as simple as that. Make sure to invest in a faster web hosting choice that includes the following features;

SSL certificates (which turn your HTTP version site into HTTPS secured version) SSD storage (the hosting sites which are using SSD storage devices load and perform way better when compared to those sites which are using traditional storage) Multiple server locations (so that you can pick a server location to host your sites that are closer to you)

Actionable blogging tip for you: As you grow your blog, you should focus more on generating traffic and sales (and less on website security issues, speed, etc). That’s why investing in a faster web host like WPX is a smart idea! If you’re an intermediate blogger who’s already making at least $500 to $1000+ per month from blogging, it’s time to invest in faster web hosting. We HIGHLY recommend you to check out WPX Hosting and their pricing plans start just around $20 per month. Their hosting is worth every single penny.

Top 5 Blogging Tips for Advanced Bloggers

Here are my top 5 blogging tips for advanced bloggers who are already generating enough traffic and sales through their sites.

1. Focus on conversions, not traffic

If you’re an advanced blogger, by now, you should have known that “conversions are more important than page views”. Yes, your website traffic matters a lot but if you’re solely focusing on increasing traffic and ignoring conversions, you’re making a mistake. This is the time when you need to put your efforts into increasing your website conversions. Get access to tools like Semrush, Crazy Egg etc which you can use to find money-making keywords, track your audience behavior and so on to increase your overall website conversion rates. Make sure to focus on optimizing your site for better performance and speed. As you can see above, a faster site can lead to lower bounce rates which ultimately results in higher conversions. Actionable blogging tip for you: The best way to improve your website conversions to analyze your audience behaviour.  You can use a handy tool like Crazy Egg (we also use the same) to get actionable insights into your visitor data. Make sure to pick a couple of high-traffic posts on your website (start with one popular post) and run an A/B test with the Crazy Egg tool. Here’s one of our A/B tests on Crazy Egg looks like; As you can see above, we ran an A/B test for one of our posts and variant 1 gets a HUGE improvement of over 116%.  Similarly, you can also pick your high-traffic blog post to run an A/B test to see which variant works best for you. You can customize the button colors, add new headlines, change your call to action, etc for best results. Quick note: If you want to learn how to create A/B tests from scratch using the Crazy Egg tool, you can watch this helpful video.

2. Automate everything

Once you’ve built a proper sales funnel from your website, you’ll be spending less time on it. This is the right time to automate almost everything. Here are a few things you can automate (so you can save more time and efforts which you can use to build more money-making sites or launch other profitable online ventures).

Content creation SEO (including keyword research, guest posts, link building and so on) Email marketing (creating newsletters, taking care of email sequences etc) Affiliate marketing (preparing for special days such as Black Friday well in advance) And the list goes on

Although it costs you some money to automate the above things as you need to outsource the tasks (but it’s worth every single penny you pay for). Moreover, you’ll be saving a lot of time as well. Actionable blogging tip for you: If your blog is already making profits and you don’t have a team yet, find at least one person who can help you with content creation, email list building, social media management, etc. It’s better to find a blogger who already has experience with content creation, email marketing, etc so you don’t have to train them.  Make sure to build a team so you can outsource everything and you can focus more on growing your traffic and profits. Trust me, you need a team to grow your blog. Otherwise, it’s impossible for you to take your blog earnings and traffic to the next level.  You can also check out platforms like Problogger Job board, Upwork, etc to find quality writers who can take care of your content writing part (or SEO-related tasks).

3. Try new things

If you’re an advanced blogger who’s already making a living from blogging and building websites for years, this is the right time to try new things. Here are a few things you can consider trying in 2023 if you’re already not doing them yet.

Podcasts Seminars YouTube marketing Trying a new monetization strategy

Actionable blogging tip for you: If you’re ONLY creating articles on your blog and have NOT yet started a YouTube channel, this is the RIGHT time as everyone started watching videos (over text). If your target audience is mostly US or UK-based, you can even plan to start a podcast as you can attract more people if you’ve solid content. Similarly, try to do at least one NEW thing that you have NEVER done before. Here are a few things you can consider;

Starting a YouTube channel Starting a podcast Writing your book (or an eBook) Creating your first online course  Try a new income source to diversify your blog’s income

In case you’re looking to learn blogging, SEO and affiliate marketing, you can check out my YouTube channel.

4. Invest more in what’s ALREADY working

If something is working well for you and generating money and sales, you should be investing even more money and time into it. There’s no point in spending more money on completely irrelevant things and it makes a lot of sense to put more money on things that are already working great for you and your business. For instance, spending money on content marketing is generating great results for us so we’re increasing the investment every passing year (with an increase in our overall blog’s revenue). That’s what you should also do if you’re already making decent money as a professional blogger. Find what’s working well for you, try to automate the process, leverage people and your time. Actionable blogging tip for you: Whether you know it or not, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of the causes (according to Pareto 80/20 rule). So make sure to find your #1 source that’s generating more income for you.  For example, we mostly generate income from affiliate marketing (particularly from the Semrush affiliate program, as we made more than $394,000 from it). So, it’s always a good idea to create new contents around such things so you can attract even more income.  Similarly, if you’re already making money selling your own products or courses, find out which ONE product is giving you the most profits.  Then, find ways to generate more profits from that product. You can try various things like;

Turing that product into a bundle Adding additional resources such as videos, checklists, etc to make the product 10x valuable and the list goes on

Are you getting it? The key here is to focus your efforts on what’s already working well for you.

5. Publish a book

There are so many expert bloggers and influencers like Pat Flynn, Neil Patel etc who have published their own books. Do you know why? They know publishing a book as a blogger or marketer can build momentum and boost their personal brand to a great extent. Publishing a book has its own benefits including;

Self-promotion Personal branding Helping newbies about the things you’re already good at It’s an asset Brings you high-quality leads and attracts new potential customers And the list goes on

If you’re a professional or full-time blogger, you might already have all the resources you need including time, money, access to writers and so on to self publish a book. So why not use your existing resources to get more exposure? Actionable blogging tip for you: If you haven’t already published a book (or an eBook) on your blog yet, give it a top priority.  You can use that book to grow your email list, build your online reputation or even make money selling it (an additional income source is always good, right?). If you’re curious, you can grab any of our eBooks to get an idea about how we crafted our premium eBooks. In case if you’re wondering how to create an eBook, we’ve few FREE resources for you.

How to Write Your first eBook in 2023: Step by Step Tutorial How to Sell And Promote Your eBooks? [Including Our eBook Case Study!]

Here’s a list of some of the most frequently asked questions about blogging.

How to Make Money from Pet Blogging in 2023? 15 Free Blogging Sites for Creating Blogs in 2023 20 Best Blogging Courses for Beginners What is Event Blogging and How to Make Money from It? How to Create a Micro Niche Blog and Make Profit from it? 10 Blogging Skills You Need to Become a Successful Blogger How to Start a Weight Loss Blog and Make Money from It?

What Others are Reading: But if you want to start a blog as a real business I highly recommend you choose a self-hosted WordPress platform as it will give you full control over your site and you can monetize it in better ways. Give it some time, produce high-quality content, generate targeted visitors to your site, and use the right monetization strategy to build a successful blog that makes money.  You can read our how to make money blogging guide to learn more about making profits from blogging. – Building your reputation online– Improving your skills such as writing, design, networking, etc– Helps you make money online– Helps you connect with influencers in your niche– To build your portfolio and the list goes on

The Future of Blogging: Is Blogging Dead in 2023? How Much Does a Website Cost in 2023? Best Blog Examples of 2023 for Your Inspiration

Final Thoughts On Blogging Tips for New Bloggers

When I started blogging in 2005, I did it just for fun. But once I started making money, I got the motivation and started to write only around SEO and blogging-related things. I NEVER stopped learning. Learning new tips and tricks and updating yourself with the latest trends is one of the fastest ways to learn and grow a profitable blog or website. Always remember: the money you make online is directly proportional to the number of people you help. Did you like my DETAILED post on the best blogging tips and tricks? If yes, please share it with others and let me know if you’ve any questions in the comments.