So here we give you some of the best engineering apps to study from, which will help you score well in exams!
1 Install Top 10 Engineering Student Best Apps for Android | iPhone 20171.0.1 #1 My Handbook:1.0.2 #2 Electrical Skills:1.0.3 #3 EveryCircuit:1.0.4 #4 Mechanical Engineering:1.0.5 #5 Engineering Buddy Mumbai Univ.1.0.6 #6 EngineersPoint1.0.7 #7 Engineering Aptitude1.0.8 #8 Basic Electronics Engineering1.0.9 #9 Engineering Videos1.0.10 #10 NPTEL – All Engineering Lectures
#1 My Handbook:
For Android: [appbox googleplay com.shunya.aakshansh.eeedictionary&hl=en] For iPhone: [appbox appstore] This app provides essential references for engineers from various streams. It consists of a dictionary of technical terms with more than 15000 terms, frequently required more than 8000 formulas, around 4000 viva question, more than 2500 video lectures from world’s most famous universities. My Handbook is an up-to-date app which can be used by engineering students for studying.
#2 Electrical Skills:
For Android:[appbox googleplay com.faadooengineers.free_eeet&hl=en] For iPhone: [appbox appstore] This app is exclusively for electrical engineering students. It covers topics based on electrical engineering and provides with lectures, notes and books.It is one of the best apps for all the electrical engineering students!
#3 EveryCircuit:
For Android: [appbox googleplay] For iPhone: [appbox appstore] You can easily build and simulate circuits using this app. It gives a an equivalent to real time experience wherein you can watch dynamic voltage, current and charge animations. Also, you can adjust the parameters using analog knobs and observe the change in the circuit’s behaviours. It is an ideal app to learn the construction of circuits and its functionality.
#4 Mechanical Engineering:
For Android: [appbox googleplay com.softecks.mechanicalengineering&hl=en] For iPhone: [appbox appstore] This app is exclusively designed for mechanical engineering students. It covers more than 300 topics which prove to be useful for mechanical engineering students. Some topics are relatable to the students of other fields such as electrical engineering, civil engineering etc.
#5 Engineering Buddy Mumbai Univ.
For Android: [appbox googleplay in.dreamcorp.engineeringbuddy&hl=en] This app has many features which are required by every engineering student such as EBXChange, C programs, attendance manager, timetable viewer, Mumbai University test papers, syllabus, University examination time table, important questions, forums, Mumbai University News, list of reference books, college guide, Mumbai University Results and classes and reviews. It is a must have app.
#6 EngineersPoint
This app is best suited to those students who wish to appear for entrance exams for advanced courses such as JEE, IES, etc. EngineersPoint covers the topics based on Electrical, computer science, mechanical and various other streams of engineering.
#7 Engineering Aptitude
As its name suggests, one can use this app to improve the aptitude before appearing for any examination. It has different stages depending upon the qualification if the student i.e 1st year or 2nd year etc. It is amongst the best apps to improve the aptitude of a person.
#8 Basic Electronics Engineering
This app is recommended for electronics engineering students. It covers all the important topics and notes to study from. Also, it provides with quick revision before exams or interviews. You can Track your learning, set reminders, edit the study material, add favourite topics, share the topics on social media.
#9 Engineering Videos
This app proves to be very helpful for students who find some topics difficult to understand. Using the resources provided by this app, one can understand those concepts clearly. The content covers topics from most of the major branches of engineering.
#10 NPTEL – All Engineering Lectures
This app can be used by both students and professors. It delivers it’s information using videos. These videos are well organized in the app. This app is updated on a daily basis hence, there is a lot of information stored here. Wrap Up: These were some of the best apps for engineering students to learn and revise all the difficult topics without sitting with a heap of books around you. These apps have consolidated notes and videos to learn from.